Friday, April 10, 2009

Spirit of July 4th, 1776 by Ravindra Beladakere

Before chaos reigned

Hope surrendered to cynicism

Fire was extinguished by murky waters

Civilization was far away unknown.

Apollo sojourned the Earth

Radiating light and heat

Golden cosmic egg incubated

In it lay posterity’s civilization.

When would the egg ripe

Where would it hatch

On earth or in the heaven

Was a mystery to the heathen.

Our father in heaven, Zeus

Summoned his intellect

His own daughter, Athene

Choose! Said he, the new world co-ordinates.

Athene attired in resplendent white

Face that radiates pure wisdom light

Mused over the problem quiet

And worked up a solution right.

There is an abode far away

Untouched by the old world’s corruption sway

Pure air, water, earth and fire

Congealed for civilization’s survival

Freedom is the first name there

Bondage is unknown and nowhere

Justice is the Right Way everywhere

Happiness is the pursuit of the lay there.

Men toil tirelessly; brothers in arms

Women labor lovingly; sisters in arms

Fathers move responsibly; parents in arms

Mothers provide abundantly; heavens in arms.

Children play on the golden sands

Teachers are honest at all costs

Truth is the only currency no matter what

Deceit and lies spurned whenever caught.

Such a Republic should exist at all

Should form the seed thought of scientists all

Powerful thoughts from experimenting minds

Shall flow to entire human kind

Should a golden cosmic egg thus formed

Shall gestate in Delphic State

Apollo sure will strike

Whenever threatened with cosmic strife.

Athene, radiating shining helmet light

Turned around to her left

Addressed her father straight

Impersonal, pray grant the New World rights.

Zeus who wields the thunderbolt

Of perfect, functional and adamantine constitution

Surveyed the stadia full of resolutions

Spoke authoritatively to his daughter in might.

The New World you petition for

Its abode is not very far

Similar havens existed before

Till man’s misery made them no more.

Many a world have I created

With so many stadia designed

Parallel courses running together

For all citizens to try their valor.

I sit here on the Mount Olympus

Watch all contests in chorus

Brave citizens sweat in the field

With a purpose to increase the total yield.

A fair play have I decreed

For all ages, nations, sexes and creed

Those who violate game rules

Get penalized by the referee who rules

Success is not the only end

Without values, sure it is a dead end

Participants who certify

To Ithaca they fly.

This Ithaca is the only place

Where marriage bed is in the royal palace

To earn the rights to lay there

Men and women should dutifully CARE.

Such an Ithaca when fully constituted

I shall grant a fair wind over the Atlantic tide

All those who get a safe passage through

Will be grateful to the pilgrim father’s Truth.

This is the spirit of July 4th

Dreamed by the martyr of April 4th

In such a lineage I create

United States of America the Great.

In Praise of Liberty Goddess

You’re hope and freedom for the abandoned

Fecund earth for those who cultivate

Capital for the industrious and the adventurous

Liberty goddess stands firmly by them

Laborers toil day and night

Intellectuals think by your might

Scientists experiment because of your sight

Administrators execute to keep the torch burning bright.

The struggle to manhood is a worthy one

In vain did we attain it without your benedictions

In the new world you stood firm

To enable men/women to conceive in liberation

Truth beams radiant from your effulgent face

The torch glows fueled by love always

The book of knowledge adds on in pursuit of Truth

The crown befits your royal demeanor

To secure your blessings

On this auspicious day of July 4th

We submit you most humbly

Confer on our Nation, prosperity and plenty.

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