Friday, April 10, 2009

Home for Liberty by Ravindra Beladakere

Shall I take my Liberty (Goddess)HOME?

Pure is she, and resplendent is she

Streams the lovely pure open knowledge

Enlightens the world, for all of us to march forward.

My liberty, mighty is She!

The end of all knowledge is She

Call her a mother, a sister or a friend

Liberty is She, for us to address

Solution is She, for us to seek redress

My Liberty, mighty is She.

The course of the world history

For reasons not known, has been sanguinary

But Mother Liberty shall bestow her graces

And make the lessons salutary for all races

My Liberty, Mighty is she.

Sweet Liberty will sit on my tongue

Truth and free speech shall flow from my blood

Kind liberty will be home in my heart

Spirit liberty will pervade Universities all

My Liberty, Mighty is she

Fortunate am I to be your child

Fulfilled am I to home you in my mind

Arise will I as your chosen Man

Fight the tyrants will I, and answer your call

My liberty, Mighty is she

Infuse in me courage and confidence

With your grace, I will annihilate corruption

Breathe i will inspiration to all

Profess will i your clarion call

My Liberty, Mighty is she

My Nurse Liberty (Goddess), is the world healer

Assuaging the hurt with her benign consolations

Embrace will I with love and affection

To dissolve myself in her Universe, which is open

My liberty Mighty is She.

Glory be yours, Pallas Athena


sprang from Zeus' head,

You're the intellect, the most beautiful

Your touch and grace

Sent poets into trance

Thinkers into inquiry

Societies to civilization

You're the Fourth

The universal number

And the transcendental

You're the solution

(Dis) solving all problems.

Your presence electrifies

Stimulates dead brains to activity

You're the Muse among muses

The daughter among daughters

Most sacred among cities.

Sister of the world, your comprehension

A blessing bestowed on the adept.

Come, reside in our mind's temples

Teach us wisdom and reverence

Lead us into future.

Thou art eternal

thou art wisdom

Thou art beauty

Thou art intellect

Thou art the truth

Thou art the crowning glory of Arts, Sciences and all learning

Be my muse world in this star studded University

Their Lights shall shine on you

Making you resplendent for ever

Come, make my mind once more your home.

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