Friday, April 10, 2009

Remembering Dr. Ambedkar by Ravindra Beladakere

Our heavenly father is an educator
Our provident mother is a cultivator.
They begot the mighty progenitor
Who is none other than Dr. Ambedkar.

Constituted did he our Modern world
Where Rights are enshrined in sacred words.
Truth is that mighty force

Where justice reigns from pillar to post.

Fortunate are we to hold the passport
Which secures our safe entry through all ports.
Remember shall we his contribution
As long as truth and justice shall be our dominion.

Failures are those who sought to proselytize
Without understanding the nature of the Triumvarite(MKG, JFK & Dr. MLK).
Condemned shall they be eternally to perdition
For violating the codes of benediction.

Thank you Ambedkar for the written word
Which will enable us to reap rich dividends
Invest surely will I the returns
To establish a new world of learneds

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